Inventor of Celer
Sarah Anderson

As a biomedical engineer, former Division I track athlete, & lifelong runner, Sarah experienced overuse running related injuries every 2-3 years since she was 10 years old. After exhausting all other options without relief to her cyclic injury cycle, Sarah was deperate to run pain free and reconnect with the joy of working out. After spending 4 meticulous years studying gait biomechanics, and another few prototyping and iterating different concepts, Sarah developed the RunCeler Strap. It is in the essence of simplicity that comes genius.

According to Sarah- "I'm proud to report I've been injury free since I  started to wear Celer. I've sucessfully changed my footstrike to a more midfoot strike and discovered a whole new outlook on the influence of good running form in the process! With good form, there's less risk for injury and more potential for naturally improved performance. The ability to optimize your footstrike at home and improve how you run without timely or costly comittment is a game changer in sport".

It is our mission at Celer to continuously innovate products that train your body to move better as you move. We want to be part of your fitness  journey, for the long haul, no matter what that looks like for you. Fun starts with form, and beating the competition starts with first bettering yourself. With Celer, you, too, can be a more efficient you!

We look forward to following your success!
-Sarah, Celer Founder